Q & A With Nigel Cooke

Q & A With Nigel Cooke

From selling his very first painting at only 14 years old to serving in the Navy to becoming a full-time painter, we wanted to get in touch with cityscape artist Nigel Cooke to find out how his daily life has changed and what we can expect to see from him in the near future. We were equally amused and delighted that he replied to our questions on the back of an old bard on his easel!

Tea or Coffee? Coffee
Sweet or savoury? Sweet
Favourite ever meal? Fish and Chips
Go-to studio snack? Biscuits
Favourite song/artist? Life’s Been Good/Joe Walsh

Describe the average day in the life of Nigel Cooke.

Get up, light a fire, make a cup of tea and toast, walk to the studio where I paint for 6 hours solid! I then come home to eat and relax while studying the old masters on my Iphone as well as checking the football news in between. I will then take 40ml of Fluoxetine, Vitamin D and Antihistamine tablets before going to bed at 9pm. I will probably be dreaming about double glazing, underfloor heating and a walk in shower!

How would you describe your studio environment? Is your workspace tidy, is there music playing ect…

My studio is usually a mess and there will often be classical music playing while I paint.

Have you ever painted a destination that you have yet to visit? Or are there any destinations on your bucket list?


We know you were previously a Caricature artist, do you still dabble in it at all or is there any potential chance of returning to it?

Definitely not, to date I have drawn about 60 000 faces and it now makes me feel ill!

What is currently on your easel?
Connie’s collar- my dog who sadly died in 2016 and my feet while I answer these questions haha.

What exciting projects can we expect from you in the future?
Huge crazy portraits!

Is there something people may be surprised to learn about you?
I’ve got 9 lives! I’ve been run over by a Mercedes, washed off a ship in force 9 gale, fallen off a bridge and landed in a tree, dodged a bullet to the head and even survived Meningitis.

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