Q & A with Martin Robson

Q & A with Martin Robson

We were captivated by his work the minute we laid our eyes on it, Martin Robson's photo-realistic originals are nothing short of show-stopping! After a fascinating career in the gaming industry spanning 25 years, he is now a full time artist based in Staffordshire where he spends his days creating these incredible works of art that will have you taking a closer look to confirm that they are in fact paintings and not photographs.

Although the current circumstances mean we are unable to have him visit the gallery in person, we thought we would still get in touch to find out how he spends his day to day, where he finds his inspiration and what exciting things we can expect to see from this talented artist in the future.

Tea or Coffee?


Sweet or Savoury? 


Are you a messy or tidy artist?


What is your go to artist/song/playlist whilst painting?

From Pop to Rock, I’m quite open-minded! Listening to music whilst painting can help me escape into my creative world. I still love to listen to the music from my teenage years, the 1980’s and anything that is quite upbeat. Current favourite group, Foo Fighters!

What is your favourite animal to paint, why?

My favourite animal to paint is the Tiger. Firstly... I simply love painting them! Secondly… I find them so bold and striking to look at, they capture the creativity inside me that wants to express their strength and beauty. I’m interested in the colours and patterns in the fur, and the unique flecks of colour in their eyes. They are fierce and dangerous but beautiful at the same time. 

On average, how many hours do you spend on each piece?

50 hours for a smaller painting, and up to 100 hours for the largest.

Describe a day in the life of Martin Robson.

I live on the edge of Cannock Chase in an old cottage that dates back to the 1700’s. I wake up most mornings and look out on sweeping countryside views, it makes me feel very lucky. Living in the countryside goes hand in hand with my passion for art and wildlife. I’ll generally make a start in the studio at about 8am. My fiancé Jo, also works from home so I have lots of company during the day. Our dog, Ruby the Cockapoo will often greet me as well and sit with me whilst I paint. I can get lost in my painting and often find the day goes quite quickly, I usually finish up about 6pm. During the winter months it’s nice to relax with a glass of wine, a few logs on the open fire and contemplate my next work of art!

What are you working on at the moment? 

A large and dramatic close-up of a Tiger!

What can we expect from you in the future?

Definitely more big cats, Tigers, Leopards and Lions. I've got some British wildlife paintings planned soon, including a majestic Red Deer Stag. I'm also interested in painting horses. I’ve got the image in my mind of an elegant white horse on a black background, quite a classical strong composition.

Is there anything people may know about you? A hidden talent, interesting hobby, perhaps a bucket list?

I’m an enthusiast of classic cars and the proud owner of a Lotus Elan sports car. I love the look, feel and sound that these cars allude. They are great fun to drive! I’m also a keen mountain biker and love to venture over Cannock Chase on a Sunday morning.
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